Taylor Swift on Not Giving Up On Love

Taylor Swift on Not Giving Up On Love
At the moment, Taylor Swift will reject dating after her disheartening romances. She also confirmed that she is enjoying her single life however she does not give up on love. At the age of 24, Taylor Swift already experience huge success in her career in the music industry. At the very young age, she already experience tribulations and trials of love. According to Hollywoodlife, most of young women in the present time know how she feels especially when she talk and sing about her disappointments and frustrations of love.
In connection, Taylor Swift also added that dating is a hard thing however if giving up is not the best solution to face it. It is a fact that in this modern world, there are young women who already experience failed romances and disappointing guys who usually broke their hearts. Taylor Swift really loves to sing songs that are connected with her own heartbreak and real life. According to her, your listeners, fans and audiences will truly love you and your tunes since they know that you are so real. Even though Taylor Swift suffered from broken heart, it does not mean that she would throw in the towel on love.
It is very normal that young women in this generation usually go through dating experiences and failed relationship however giving up on love is not the best thing to do. In this contemporary world, young men are open minded towards relationships and sex and this is one of the main reasons why most of them can truly enjoy an easy and free affairs without commitment.
With the new released singles of Taylor Swift such as "Shake it Off" and "Never Getting back Together," it simply states that Taylor Swift is not giving up on love. Apart from this, Taylor Swift is still hoping that one day her dream man will come and appreciates her energy, talent and originality not to mention her courage and beauty. It is true that every woman will experience rocky romances however real love has their own way to find you especially if you let it.
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