Days of our Lives Spoiler: Grief and Suspicions

'Days of our Lives' Spoiler: Grief and Suspicions
EJ's death has shattered and shook Salem so hard. Everyone seems to be grieving with EJ's wife and children. Some offer sympathy due to genuine heartbreak, but some could have ulterior motive behind their condolences.
Sami, EJ's wife, was totally devastated by the death of her husband, However, instead of just grieving, she wants more information. According to Christian Today, "Sami is devastated with the death of her husband EJ. She is distraught and shattered, yet she wants to dig deeper and know what happened to him. She is struggling, but there's more shocking news for her to discover."
The investigation of EJ's death has proven to be very extensive and difficult. It should be carried out carefully mainly because of the fact that he has too many enemies in their town. The challenge lies in identifying who they are since they could also be expressing grief in the death of EJ, hiding their anger.
According to Enstarz, ''He was murdered by one of Clyde's (James Read) thugs, but Kate (Lauren Koslow), Chad (Billy Flynn) and Stefano (Joseph Mascolo) also had their own reasons for potentially wishing him harm. Kate and Chad were actually working together to try and take down both EJ and Stefano so they could become the co-CEOs of DiMera Enterprises-but now their plans to take Chad's father and brother down have been derailed because of the unexpected death. Not only will EJ being gone force them to change their plan of attack, but it could also tear apart their partnership because of they will find their loyalties to the plan divided."
The site continues, "Stefano initially expressed grief over his son's death, especially since the final conversation the two had before it happened had been one where he renounced his son from the family name, ending his protection as a DiMera. With that protection ended, Stefano could find himself feeling guilty for what happened to his son-and it could motivate the mysterious request he will make of his daughter, Kristen (Eileen Davidson)."
There are still more questions to be answered regarding EJ's death and the effect it will have in the whole web of people associated with him so stay tuned for the upcoming episodes of "Days of Our Lives."
Tags : days of our lives days of our lives spoilers days of our lives ej