iPhone 6 Reviews and Updates: Complaints about Bending from Clients Incite Stress Tests to Prove Phone Integrity

iPhone 6 Reviews and Updates: Complaints about Bending from Clients Incite Stress Tests to Prove Phone Integrity
The iPhone 6 plus went on sale as of September 19th along with the long awaited iPhone 6. In the days since the debut of the phone, it has managed to get some bad press. It is not because the stocks of the phone seem limited because you will have to wait three to four weeks from the time of order but because of a video that went viral. Days after the launch of the iPhone 6 plus, there are reports that have come out about the device that is bent. In this case, the iPhone 6 plus had been in the aggrieved owners pocket for a little more than 13 hours and when he retrieved it, it was bent.
In a statement to the press, Apple claimed only nine people have come forward with the iPhone 6 Plus bending complaint during the first six days after sale. Apple has sold 10 million iPhone 6 series models within the first three days however; it has not revealed how many these were iPhone 6 plus models. Apple said in a statement that the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 plus feature a precision engineered unibody enclosure constructed from custom made 6000 series anodized aluminum. They also come available with stainless steel and aluminum steel and titanium inserts in order to reinforce high stress locations and the strongest glass in the Smartphone industry.
In their defense, Apple also gave tour of the laboratory where the phones have been stress tested. Apparently, Apple runs three sit down tests replicating real world situations which replicate what could happen when the phone is sat on. The devices are out through a bend test with at least 25 kilos of pressure exerted on them. The phone was tested with other models. As such, the iPhone 5 proved tougher than the 6 series and deformed only at 130 pounds and came loose from the case at 150 pounds. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was the toughest coming loose from the case at 150 pounds like the iPhone 5.
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