Walking Dead Season 5 Spoilers, News: Is Carol going to return in the second episode?

Walking Dead Season 5 Spoilers, News: Is Carol going to return in the second episode?
"Walking Dead" Season 5 is about to make its premiere on October 12. However, the second episode is more likely to excite fans more, which would air on October 19. This is because according to the SFX report, fans can expect that one of the big characters of the series, Carol, is going to return. The famous Father Gabriel is also set to make an appearance on the same episode. The whole season is just going to be exciting.
Season 5 of this highly-acclaimed shows will begin from the segment where Rick along with his group are headed to Washington D.C to locate the cure for the outbreak of zombies. A trailer showed that the group will be able to leave Terminus. Gareth will help the team to move on by directing they should take. From the trailer, it is clear that Carol and Tyreese will be able to meet the group. The lives of the group members will be difficult, as conflict among them and obstacles they face will turn themselves against each other. In the battle of staying alive, fans will find themselves rooting for their favorite characters to survive.
The characters' lives will intersect with each other due to the internal conflict among the group members. Fans will love and hate some of the characters. Some of the characters would have to be sacrificed and became zombies as the quest for survival becomes harder.
Beth will be found in a compound of a hospital, which comes from the part of the Comic Book. They will regroup in the Alexandria Safe Zone. From the premiere episode, fans will learn the true motive of the Terminas. But it will be difficult for Rick and his group since they will find themselves in some vulnerable situations. There has been a rumor regarding the death of Glenn in Terminus. Fans would just have to tune in and find out if the rumor will come true.
Tags : walking dead the walking dead the walking dead season 5 the walking dead cast the walking dead amc the walking dead season 5 spoilers the walking dead spoilers Walking Dead plot the walking dead 2014 the walking dead cast 2014 Walking Dead new season the walking dead cast news the walking dead spoilers season 5