Galaxy Note 4 Release Date, Price, Pre-Orders, Rumors And Latest Updates: Selected Retailers Already Taking In Pre-Orders For The Upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 4

Galaxy Note 4 Release Date, Price, Pre-Orders, Rumors And Latest Updates: Selected Retailers Already Taking In Pre-Orders For The Upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 4
We have the latest for you on the release date, price, pre-orders, rumors and latest updates of the Galaxy Note 4. With the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus launched and gaining a lot of favor among phablet users, Samsung have not been left behind as October dawns near, the awaited Galaxy Note 4 will be released though the exact release dates have not been stated. Retailers are very eager to make the gadget available to the customers and to that note pre orders have begun.
Though preorders have started not all places are able to enjoy preorder services and according to Slashgear reports the official announced preorders are retailers located in U.K Clove and also JD in China which has also offered to the world preorders services.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will be available in the in the U.K and will go for around for 479.17 Euros or 575 Euros with VAT but Cloves have stated that the stock will start coming in only by October 13th this year. Meanwhile in china JD is accepting preorders for 5199RMB as the only retailer who has confirmed to be selling Samsung's next smartphone. The preorder date is scheduled to be until September 25th as the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is set to be ready and available by that date.
Samsung is rejoicing as the Korean tech company will have an advantage over its competitor, Apple as C.E.O, Tim Cook launched the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus which is a great add to the phablet but world due to the high demand of the iPhone, supply has been delayed in China and pushed to early next year, this will give Samsung a window of opportunity to launch and sell their new phablet, The Samsung Galaxy Note 4, next month. This will be a viable alternative to iPhone lovers who are awaiting the product.
In South Korea, home of the Samsung brand, the Galaxy is expected to sell a large stock with rumors speculating that at the end of September SK Telecom, KT and LG U+ will be launching preorders of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. While the date has been set for the release of the Galaxy Note 4, it will not be a surprise to see the company selling their new smartphone earlier than expected due to the delay of the iPhone phablet so as to gain more market share.
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