The Leftovers’ Season Finale News 2014: Director Discloses Hardest Part During Filming the Finale

The Leftovers' Season Finale News 2014: Director Discloses Hardest Part During Filming the Finale
Intense is the word that can be used to describe "The Leftovers" season finale. The episode was directed by Mimi Leder. The director is well-known in the craft of making unforgettable episodes. She was also behind the murder of Gladys, who is played by Marceline Hugot. She was also behind the introduction of Scott Glenn, who is known as Garvey Sr. in the series.
Director Mimi Leder talked of the finale herself. "I think there's a common thread of anger, despair, grief, loss - of, is there hope for humanity?" she shared to the Hollywood Reporter.
When Leder was asked about hardest part of the finale, she shared itwas the burning of GR's house.
"It was an intense, difficult scene to shoot. We're not an action show, so my approach to it was to try to get into the head of Kevin Garvey - to follow him on this journey of seeing what has happened to his town, seeing it through his eyes," she explained to Hollywood Reporter.
"That was a very difficult sequence to shoot. It had a lot of visuals and effects, like the fire. It was very emotional, seeing the bodies being thrown on the bonfire and Laurie being thrown out of the house, hearing her voice for the first time in all the episodes except for the flashback," she also added.
If the director had an intense moment shooting the scenes, one can only imagine how more intense was it for the viewers to watch.
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