Apple Watch Price in US: Costs More than Samsung Watch

Apple Watch Price in US Costs More than Samsung Watch
Although the world is busy talking about new Apple phones, there was something more in that event. The watch that Apple introduced to the world has the potential to change the world and become one of the most advanced ways for timekeeping in the coming years. As far as the Apple watch release date is concerned, we just have a 'Coming Early 2015' tagline on the website.
However, a lot of Apple fans also want to know the price they will have to pay for this watch. Unfortunately, it will cost you around $100 more than Samsung's watch. The price for a basic watch from Apple is US$349, but it will increase in proportion to technology and functionality. In fact, according to latest Apple iWatch Price in US, the top variant can go up to $549.
Now, there is no doubt that Apple lovers are more than happy to spend that kind of money on the device, especially from what they've seen so far. To start with, there is no doubt that this watch is one of the most elegantly designed things ever. There are not many watches that come even close to it. As you already know, there are three editions coming next year. These are basic, sport, and special editions.
In terms of features, Apple Watch allows you to read and reply to texts and mails, receive and answer calls, monitor activity, view your Apple wallet, and navigate with maps. These are, definitely, the features of Apple Watch which fans will await on its release date in US.

Bold and beautiful.
Tags : Apple Watch Price in US apple iwatch price Apple Watch Release Date Apple Watch Release Apple Watch Features iwatch release date iwatch apple Apple iWatch Price in US iwatch price in US Apple Watch Price Apple Watch Price iwatch price Apple Watch Release Date