Game of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers, Casting And Episode 1 News: Fans Might Not Have The Luxury Of Being Able To Predict The TV Series By Following George’s Books As The New Season Has Many Surprises

Game of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers, Casting And Episode 1 News: Fans Might Not Have The Luxury Of Being Able To Predict The TV Series By Following George's Books As The New Season Has Many Surprises
We have the latest for you on the spoilers, casting and episode 1 news of Game of Thrones Season 5. Game of thrones returns to screens for its fifth season, with fans edged to their seats waiting for it to premiere, yet the internet is flooding with many spoiler and criticism. In regards to previous seasons, the new season has a skeptical ending since it is not as straight forward as compared to the previous which were easy to predict. The second season ending in the Battle of the Blackwater, and the trial and escape of Tyrion marking the end of season 4, this were all so easy to predict for viewers which mark the ending or the changing points of books. The series was adapted from the books (source material) which told a straightforward story of the same characters moving through the same chronology in the world of Westeros.
This is all going to change in season 5 and it's going to be different.
First, characters in season 4 may not appear in season 5 as the feast of crows mostly takes place in the southlands of the seven kingdoms while the dance with dragons cover the same chronology in the north and in Essos. HBO cannot stand for this and neither can the fans. Does this mean that the new season will lack the charm of Peter Dinklage's Tyrion? This is not possible. It raises the question is book 4 and 5 being condensed into one season after all?
In another spoiler, concerning Cersei and the controversial nude scene, it is expected that Cersei will be taken down a few notches in a scene whereby she will be both figuratively and literally naked. In the past, Cersei has not been seen without biting wit and flowing robes, and this scene will not be an exception. The much talked about nude scene is very important for the character building in the upcoming season. According to Entertainment Weekly, the particularly controversial scene will be filmed less than a month from now. As we await the premiere of the season, stay with us for more information and we shall give you more news on this and much more.
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