True Blood Season 7 Spoilers, Plot Overview, HBO Hit Series
True Blood Season 7 Spoilers, Plot Overview, HBO Hit Series
True blood season 7 was quite a peculiar series, specifically speaking from the start of season 1 and so on it is revealed that true love can exist within its impossibilities even if one of that supposed to be completing the ingredient is gone. it conveys that it was lucky to be human because a human is accepted by everyone unlike vampires who has been feared and not accepted.
A certain Japanese science which enabled vampires to live without drinking human blood, vampires fighting for their equal rights, in the continuation of the series both species had to work together to fight an enemy, to fight the Hep V infected vampires.
It's a bit of a trick that happy ending involves leaving town and having what you wanted for a day in exchange of being punished all over also portrays a message that what motivates people, If a person is down and it brings them up.
it also contains the message that one was ready to die so that one can be free despite the fact that there was a very simple cure-all. Most other characters found love before the end. Some fans opinion find that the last season was the least watchable due to some flaws they see in the series but in the first place well yeah it's been in my mind for a long time i mean the main thought that vampires don't need to drink human blood because the japanese had found and invented an artificial substitute for it. an artificial blood substitute (drink) that vampires drink instead of drinking human blood was a very well thorough idea however didn't we called vampires "Vampires" because they drink Human Blood?! I mean if they don't drink human blood any more to survive then they shouldn't be called vampires right?!

true blood season 7 spoilers,HBO hit series True Blood
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