Winds of Winter Release Date: George R. R. Martin More Eager to Finish the Book, Is it True Tyrion Got Killed?

Winds of Winter Release Date: George R. R. Martin More Eager to Finish the Book, Is it True Tyrion Got Killed?
As for the 'Winds of Winter' by George R. R. Martin release date is getting closer and closer, fans are also getting super excited and engrossed reading the book regarding Tyrion's death. Tyrion is actually everybody's favorite character. Hence, if he would die this would shock as well as disappoint the fans. But whether we like it or not, this is the rumor spreading.
However, George R. R. Martin revealed that his favorite character is Tyrion in the story among the Lannisters. He also added that it could become his saving grace. "I love all my characters, of course, but Tyrion has always been a favorite," he said.
He also added, "He is the easiest to write ... The only thing that is hard is that it takes me days and sometimes weeks to come up with the one-liners that Tyrion comes up with in, like, a minute. I wish in real life I was nearly as acerbic and funny as Tyrion." But when he asked about Tyrion's death, Martin was evasive. He said in an interview, "Well, I did cut off his nose, so ..."
The author also said that, "They say that you write what you want to read and you create in television what you want to watch. I love shows that are unpredictable. I like shows to be more real. Predictable shows and books bore me." "I want to be on the edge of my seat. So, the deaths are important and at all times necessary." "I hope you like them, because you're also going to be seeing a lot of them in 'The Winds of Winter'."
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