Worship Pastor Stacey Hilliar Admits to an Affair and Loses Her Credentials

Worship pastor Stacey Hilliar had abruptly resigned from Neuma church, a Pentecostal revival congregation based in Melbourne, Australia, in February after a cheating scandal was exposed. She had been having an affair with the church's senior pastor, Corey Turner.
As a result, both Hilliar and Turner will be losing their ministry credentials for "a minimum of two years."
Wayne Alcorn, president of Australian Christian Churches (ACC), informed the ACC pastors of "recent action" the denomination had taken regarding two ACC pastors. Turner, lead pastor of Neuma Church in Melbourne, confessed to a relationship with Hilliar, executive leader of the church's worship and creative teams.
A charismatic megachurch seemingly modeled after Hillsong, Neuma Church has nine locations in Australia, plus campuses in Bangkok, Thailand, and San Francisco. Both pastors have admitted to sexual misconduct that violated their marriage vows and resigned in early February.
Alcorn referred to the ACC's "extensive processes" of evaluating the behavior of the prominent ministers and its impact. "It was determined that they (Turner and Hilliar) should lose their ministry credentials for a minimum of two years," wrote Alcorn.
"This is due to serious breaches of the ACC Ministerial Code of Conduct," he continued. "Consequently, they are required to cease all ministerial duties, including platform ministries."
Hilliar has posted a statement noting her mistakes. "My, Stacey's, poor choices from Nov 2023 - Jan 2024, for which I offer no excuses, are being soberly processed & worked through in private as our family seeks healing and restoration, looking to the future, united," she wrote.
Hilliar also apologized and sought forgiveness from church members. "For the pain & disappointment I have caused to so many people, I am sorry. I own my part & I own my sin. Nobody else is responsible for my choices."
Tags : Stacey Hilliar Corey Turner Neuma church Neuma church affair