The Talleys Share a Timeless Message with “The Answer Is Christ” (Live)

As they continue on with their second series of releases that capture the artistry and energy of gospel favorites, The Talleys, in live performance, continue to look back to the early part of the century - this time with a song that topped the Southern Gospel charts almost exactly 20 years ago, "The Answer Is Christ."
Embracing the most fundamental message of the gospel, "The Answer Is Christ" finds the trio offering its reassurance through the alternating voices of Roger and Lauren Talley as they bear witness to the heartaches and doubts of life, before they're joined, together with Debra Talley, in the song's resolute, uplifting chorus:
He is the hope for the hopeless, the water, the giver of life
He is the strength for the weary, love for those cast aside
He gives rest to the restless, freedom from fear
When things seem impossible know that He's near
For all of the problems of life, the answer is Christ
As the enthusiasm of the audience at the end of the performance makes clear, the majesty of the original studio recording is, thanks to additional years of faith and musical mastery, made even more profound by the spirit of the gathering.
As Roger Talley puts it, "Sometimes a song is written that is instantly timeless. 'The Answer Is Christ' definitely is timeless. The message has always been, and forever will be, 'For all of the problems of life, the Answer is Christ!'"
Listen to "The Answer Is Christ" (Live) HERE.