The Inspirations Take a Nostalgic Journey with "Ageless Treasures"

The Inspirations are taking a nostalgic journey with the release of Ageless Treasures, a two-disc retrospective of fan-favorite songs set to be released April 14. It's now available for pre-order, add or save.
Since forming in 1964, The Inspirations' distinct sound has always been instantly recognizable and has changed little across 57 years of recordings - no matter who was singing. This sound carries through the 30 songs on Ageless Treasures, which features #1 songs "I'll Not Turn My Back On Him Now," "If You Only Knew" and "I Have Not Forgotten"; fan favorites like "We Need To Thank God" and "In The Twinkle Of An Eye"; and classics such as "They're Holding up The Ladder" and "I'll Have A New Life."
Says lead vocalist Roland Kesterson, "For the last 22 years, The Inspirations have been blessed to have been on the Horizon Records label. Over the span of two decades, we have recorded some songs that have become fan favorites, songs that we still stage today and have requests for each night. Every song we sing is special to us, however, only a few stand the test of time and become ageless, in other words songs that never get old."
"As you listen to this collection," he continues, "it's our prayer that each song not only blesses your heart but fills your mind with memories of the first time you heard them and how God has used these songs to minister to you as well as us. We hope you can once again enjoy our Ageless Treasures."
Pre-order, add or save Ageless Treasures HERE.
Tags : The Inspirations "Ageless Treasures" THE INSPIRATIONS Southern Gospel