The Booth Brothers Testify to Christ's Faithfulness with "Speak Jesus"

Collectively and individually, the Booth Brothers have been recognized as one of the finest in Gospel Music for decades. Masterfully weaving together music and entertainment, inspiring songs and uplifting humor, encouragement and restoration, audiences leave a Booth Brothers event with hearts and minds refreshed. The Booth Brothers are back with their new StowTown Records album Speak Jesus tomorrow.
With themes of God's faithfulness, victory through the valleys, and dependence on God, The Booth Brothers offer Speak Jesus, a highly-anticipated, 12-song album from the newest make-up of this group after a season of change. The Booth Brothers have a vast following of devoted fans who have been clamoring for this long-awaited album of brand new music.
While their sound has evolved with the new combination of voices, this recording offers an intentional blend of the familiar and the novel. The Booth Brothers' harmony-driven sound is as tight as ever and the new energy matches movement through this new season. Their progressive Southern sound complements the up-tempo, fun moments as well as the balance of tender ballads, and the thread that ties it all together is the familiar theme of the grace of God.
Track List
1. All My Days
2. Room Full of Stories
3. My Next Victory
4. Oh, How Great the Love of Jesus
5. Stand in the Storm
6. Nothing Like Grace
7. The Unknown
8. Let's Sing
9. God of Every Season
10. Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb
11. Depending On You
12. I Speak Jesus
Tags : The Booth Brothers "Speak Jesus" StowTown Records Southern Gospel the booth brothers