Minecraft Xbox One Edition: All You Need To Know On The Release Date, Rumors And Official Announcements Of The Xbox One Edition Of Minecraft

Minecraft Xbox One Edition: All You Need To Know On The Release Date, Rumors And Official Announcements Of The Xbox One Edition Of Minecraft
Microsoft and Mojang have finally announced the release of 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition which is set to be released within a month. It is rumored that it will be released this coming month which will be on August. The announcement confirmed that Minecraft is set to be found in both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The screenshots of this new version are already accessible via Play XBLA and the game in the next-gen consoles is not that much of a difference from what the already existing PS3/Xbox 360 has. The game however, is said to be 36 times larger.
This is what Developer 4J Studios tweeted about the game "We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! #MinecraftXbox1 #MinecraftPS4 #MinecraftPSVita."
There are also images of 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition that were tweeted by 4J Studios which show just how much they have been working on it and how they have also been enjoying the increased viewing distance.
Gamespot reported that as of this week Minecraft has sold 16million copies for the PC and the Mac. The game sales were at 14 million copies in February and overall it has sold 54 million copies across all platforms. Minecraft for Xbox One will incorporate all features that are from the latest Xbox 360 title update. If you purchased Minecraft Xbox 360 from Xbox Live Marketplace and also for those who have played the game online with the disc version you are at a gain as you will spend less than those buying the title update. Now the title update will be going for $19.90 while the ones who have played it online and those who bought theirs from Xbox Live Marketplace will spend only $4.99. They will be able to upgrade for a minimum period of one year following its release date.
Tags : 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition Release Date 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition the release date of 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition what to expect from the new 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition the new 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition release date of the new 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition release date report report on 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition reports on the new 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition what to expect from the new 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition Microsoft’s 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition the new Microsoft game'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition Microsoft’s new game 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition by Microsoft 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition by Microsoft 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition release date by Microsoft Microsoft’s views on the release of'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition when will 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition be released release date of Microsoft’s 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition 'Minecraft' Xbox One Edition release date review