Delirious? Founder Stu G Offers "No More War" Decal As a Way of Helping the Refugees in Ukraine

Founding member of Delirious? and curator of The Beatitudes Project Stu G, like many of us, has been horrified by the war in Ukraine. In an effort to show his support for the people of Ukraine, he has asked his friends at RedLetter Apparel Co to make a "NO MORE WAR" decal for his guitar. It is a small gesture of standing for peace with the people of Ukraine.
These decal are now available HERE. You can get one for your guitar or case. It's a small thing we can do, but it makes a difference. All proceeds will go to helping Ukrainian refugees.
Stu G is also joining Martin and Anna Smith in working with Tearfund, who are on the ground helping Ukrainian Refugees. The funds raised will go to Tearfund partners providing immediate needs such as food, bedding, clothing, temporary accommodation, and trauma counseling for Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Moldova.
Tags : delirious stu g No More War Decal Ukraine refugees Russie Ukraine war Ukraine Russia-Ukraine crisis