New Worship Songs for Good Friday

Good Friday is the second greatest event in history as Christ showed his love by dying for us on the cross. Only rivalled by his resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday, the worship on Good Friday therefore deserves thought and planning. Here are some suggestions:
1. Cochren and Co. "Grave" (listen HERE)
Many songs have often bypassed the exposition of the death of Christ in favor of the resurrection. Cochren and Co.'s "Grave" gives serious thought to why and how the death of Christ impacts us and why it makes the resurrection even more meaningful and powerful.
2. Kari Jobe "Throne Room" (listen HERE)
The mystery and majesty of who Christ is are all presented here in their power ballad. If executed with prayerful awe, this song is such a glorious depiction of Christ on Good Friday.
3. Circuit Rider Music "Oh the Cross" (listen HERE)
Written by Jeremy Riddle, Elyssa Smith, Lindy Cofer, "Oh the Cross" is prided for its lyrical specificity. Eyes are opened and the imagination is ignited when graphic words like these are sung: "Jesus, You carried the cross upon Your back/Bleeding until the final breath/Tears of blood, a crown of thorns/You gave it all, our sins You bore/And oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh/There is no greater love, ooh-oh ."
4. Hillsong Worship "Man of Sorrows" (listen HERE)
An old Hillsong favorite recently revived by the team again. The reason why it is re-imagined by the Australia team is obvious as soon as the first few notes of this hymn-like song hits. Theological rich, melodically catchy, and spiritually moving, this song deserves to be heard across churches.
5. Travis Cottell "The Blood of Christ Speaks for Me" (listen HERE)
You can't have a Good Friday setlist without at least one song on the blood of christ, a motif that is huge in Scripture. Cottrell's treatment of this theme would make the writer of Hebrews proud and his execution of the song would soften the hardest of hearts.
Tags : New Worship Songs for Good Friday hillsong worship cochren and co. travis cottrell Kari Jobe Circuit Rider Music Integrity Music good friday cross