Dolly Parton "Turned Down" Presidential Medal of Freedom Twice

Country music veteran Dolly Parton has turned down the presidental medal of freedom twice when when Donald Trump offered it. She's unsure if she will accept it now from the Biden administration.
Speaking to NBC's Today programme, Parton said: "I got offered the freedom award from the Trump administration. I couldn't accept it because my husband was ill. Then they asked me again about it and I wouldn't travel because of Covid".
She said she had already heard from the Biden administration: "Now I feel like if I take it, it'll be doing politics, so I'm not so sure."
The singer added that she does not feel like she deserves the award. "But it's a nice compliment for people to think I might deserve it," she added.
In April last year, Parton donated $1m to help research and development of the Moderna vaccine against Covid-19.
Then, she told the BBC: "I'm sure many, many millions of dollars from many people went into that but I felt so proud to have been part of that little seed money that hopefully will grow into something great and help to heal this world. Lord knows we need it!"
The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian award in the US and has numerous categories. Previous recipients include Bruce Springsteen, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Bill and Melinda Gates.
Tags : Dolly Parton "Turned Down" Presidential Medal of Freedom twice Presidential Medal of Freedom Dolly Parton dolly parton news