Josh Feemster Leaves Legacy Five

Legacy Five has announced that its tenor, Josh Feemster has submitted his resignation. Legacy Five will continue its tour this spring as they seek to fill the tenor position.
"We are thankful to Josh for his years of service to our ministry," says Scott Fowler. "We all wish him the best in his future endeavors."
Legacy Five is currently taking applications to fill the tenor position. Applicants are encouraged to submit a video of themselves singing a song in the tenor range to Scott Fowler at or via Facebook to Legacy Five.
Keep up with Legacy Five at or on Facebook.
Daywind Records is home to an award-winning roster of artists, including Adam Crabb, Amber Nelon Thompson, the Blackwood Brothers, the Bowling Family, Brian Free & Assurance, Greater Vision, Hoppers, Jason Crabb, Jim Brady Trio, Jonathan Wilburn, Joseph Habedank, Karen Peck & New River, Legacy Five, Mark Lowry, Michael Booth, Michael English, the Nelons, Riley Harrison Clark, and the Tribute Quartet. Daywind is distributed to retail through New Day Christian Distributors and the Orchard, covering all major physical and digital outlets.
Tags : Legacy Five Daywind Records Josh Feemster Josh Feemster news legacy five news