Glen Campbell’s Wife Recalls Singer’s Final Moments

On August 8, Glen Campbell, known for hits such as "Rhinestone Cowboy" and "Galveston," died after a five year-bout with Alzheimer's disease. Kim Campbell, his wife of 34 years, wrote a letter about her husband's death. The heartfelt message, which is dated Aug. 9, was posted to her website,, on Thursday.
"I have been grieving and saying goodbye to Glen every day for the last six years, ever since his diagnosis of Alzheimer's, not knowing which day he might forget me or which day might be his last. Although I knew it was inescapable and certain, nothing could have prepared me for the profound loss I felt as I said goodbye for the final time yesterday. I had been praying that I would be able to hold his hand when he entered eternity, and my request was granted. While surrounded by family, I watched him take his last breath."
She closed her letter by writing:
"In 1981, Glen and I identified ourselves with the death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah by being immersed in a creek near the cemetery where Glen's body will rest. Glen publicly professed his faith, publicly shared his struggles and triumphs over alcoholism, and publicly shared his journey with Alzheimer's, all to the glory of God. I find immense comfort knowing that Glen's spirit is now free and present with the Lord. I have no doubt that when he met his maker yesterday at 10am, he was greeted with, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' "
Tags : glen campbell glen campbell death glen campbell final moments kim campbell