Joey Feek's Last Request Changed the Life of Bradley Walker

Joey Feek died on March 4, 2016 after a lengthy battle with cancer. Currently, Joey Feek and her husband's Rory's final album Hymns that are Important to Us sits at #1 on the Billboard Christian Album chart. Just before Joey passed away, her final request to her husband was to have Bradley Walker sing at her funeral.
Walker performed at the Grand Ole Opry, and has recorded one album. Joey Feek was a fan of his baritone, and before she died she requested he sing a gospel song called "Leave It There" during her service. Walker uses a wheelchair as a result of muscular dystrophy, Rory reveals: "The last thing on the the list Joey gave me, of what she wanted at her funeral service... when the time came. And we both knew that time was coming soon.
"I'd like for someone to sing the hymn Leave It There at my graveside", Joey said. And then she stopped and added, "no... not someone", and she looked at me and smiled, "I want Bradley Walker to sing it for me".
Here are some of the lyrics of the song:
"When you're body suffers pain, and your health you can't regain. When your soul is slowly sinking in despair. Jesus knows the pain you feel. He can save and He can heal. Take your burden to the Lord, and leave it there".
Rory recalls the first time he and Joey heard the song. "The first time that Joey and I ever heard that song was on our honeymoon in Darby, Montana. It was being sung by a mother and daughter in a little church at the base of the Bitterroot mountains. Something inside told us, "those words are gonna matter". When hard times come and you don't know what to do with your pain... just lay it down at the foot of the cross, and leave it there."
As a result of singing at Joey's funeral, Bill Gaither took notice of his talents. Together with Rory and Bill Gaither, Walker is working on his second album full of Gospel songs to be released via Gaither Music later this year.
Tags : joey feek rory feek joey + rory feek joey + rory feek news joey feek death bradley walker bill gaither Gaither Music joey + rory feek hymns that are important to us