Taylor Swift Helps an 11-Year-Old Fan Naomi Oakes with Her Generosity

Pop superstar Taylor Swift has not been writing big charting songs but she has written one of the latest heartwarming stories through her generosity. When she found out that Naomi Oakes, an 11-year-old Christian girl from San Tan Vally, Arizona, was battling leukaemia and needed her help, she donated $50,000 to the girl's GoFundMe page.
Oakes is an ardent fan of Taylor Swift, she has even used Swift's "Bad Blood" as her fight song. Oaks received tickets to attend Taylor Swift's concert but she wasn't able to attend because she had to seek treatment at Cardon Children's Hospital in Mesa.
When Swift saw Oakes' viral YouTube video, she immediately went to the girl's fundraising page and donated the $50,000 and left a message: "To the beautiful and brave Naomi, I'm sorry you have to miss it, but there will always be more concerts. Let's focus on getting you feeling better. I'm sending the biggest hugs to you and your family."
Because of the donation cap on the girl's GoFundMe campaign, Swift had to pay the money in four installments, Mashable reports. Inspired by Swift's generosity, GoFundMe has now decided to increase its donation limit from $15,000 to $50,000
Tags : Taylor Swift naomi oakes taylor swift news taylor swift latest taylor swift generosity