Lifeway Pulls All "Heavenly Tourism" Titles

LifeWay Christian Resources have always been committed to moral integrity and the firm belief in Scripture as the word of God. Recently, they have announced that they are pulling all its 'heaven tourism' resources from all its stores. Among the titles affected will be The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven by Kevin and Alex Malarkey and Heaven Is for Real by Todd Burpo.
The decision was partly ignited when Alex Malarkey, who as a child claimed to have visited heaven when he 'died' in a car accident which left him badly injured, claimed he made up the story. Ensuing from Malarkey's confession, LifeWay has stopped selling The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven almost immediately.
LifeWay spokesman Marty King told Baptist Press: "Last summer, as we began developing LifeWay's new structure and direction... the role of heaven visitation resources was included in our considerations. We decided these experiential testimonies about heaven would not be a part of our new direction, so we stopped re-ordering them for our stores last summer.
"Now that we've begun implementing the new direction, the remaining heaven visitation items have been removed from our stores and website and will not be replenished."
Further, the decision was also partly theological. The decision follows a 2014 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) resolution on "the sufficiency of Scripture regarding the afterlife" which was highly critical of some of the claims made by people who claimed to have visited heaven - or hell - and returned.
The SBC resolution warned Christians against allowing "the numerous books and movies purporting to explain or describe the afterlife experience" to "become their source and basis for an understanding of the afterlife" and affirmed "the sufficiency of biblical revelation over subjective experiential explanations to guide one's understanding of the truth about heaven and hell".
Another 'heaven tourism' film, 90 Minutes in Heaven, starring Hayden Christensen of Star Wars and Kate Bosworth of Superman Returns, which is based on a book by Don Piper, has just finished filming and will be released in the autumn.
Tags : lifeway christian resources the boy who came backfrom heaven heaven is for real 90 minutes in heaven Alex Malarkey christian books