Mark Driscoll Resurfaces Again at Hillsong Conference 2015

Controversial ex-Mars Hill Church senior pastor Mark Driscoll will resurface again. This time as an interviewee at Hillsong Church's annual conference. He will be interviewed at two summer conferences in Sydney, Australia and London sponsored by an Australian-based, multi-city mega church.
Brian Houston, Hillsong Church senior pastor, delivered a statement that says: "Well in advance of his resignation as senior pastor at Seattle-based Mars Hill Church, we invited Mark Driscoll to be one of our speakers this summer."
"Rather than having Mark preach or teach, I am excited about interviewing Mark and Grace from our main platform during our Hillsong Conference 2015."
"I am looking forward to having this opportunity to speak openly with the Driscolls about life and ministry, as well as recent events and lessons they've learned through personal and ministry trials during the past year."
In its press release, this is what Brian Houston has to say about the conference: "We are trusting God's Spirit to enable us to create the most perfect gathering in 2015. As always we will labor to bring the finest Bible teachers,
Kingdom-inspirers and creative- innovators to the Hillsong Conference, in order that you, your family and your team are blessed. Our prayer is that the Church, local and global, will continue to rise in her full stature and that the Harvest He longs for will not be disappointed.
"Speak Lord, we're listening" is perfect language and a perfect stance for what lies ahead. We trust you will join us - the invitation is yours."
Tags : mark driscoll Hillsong Darlene Zschech hillsong church hillsong conference 2015 Brian Houston Hillsong Brian Houston hillsong worship