Mark Driscoll Selling His Seattle Home for $650,000

Controversial senior pastor of Seattle's mega church, Mars Hill Church, Mark Driscoll resigned last month. Now it seems that Driscoll is moving out of the Emerald City as his property was listed as for sale for a price of $650,000.
The charismatic evangelical pastor has been the subject of controversy surrounding allegations of plagiarism and mismanagement of church funds. Driscoll took a leave of absence in August and returned to announce his resignation from leadership of the church.
Mars Hill Church is comprised of 13 congregations. The elders and leadership have decided that after Driscoll's resignation the church will dissolve. And as of 31 December 2014, the church will cease to exist. The individual congregations have been given the liberty to dissolve, join other churches or go independent.
Driscoll, on the other hand, was seen recently at the Gateway Church Conference in Texas. Now his Montlake property was listed last week for $650,000 and is already under contract. The home has a prime location in the shadow of the University of Washington and the Montlake Cut, which connects Lake Washington to Puget Sound. The property affords a great view of the ship canal, the University of Washington's outdoor football stadium, Husky Stadium and the Cascade mountains.
Tags : mark driscoll mark driscoll news mark driscoll selling home mark driscoll mars hill church Mars Hill Church mars hill church news mark driscoll resignation mark driscoll pastor