'Sunday Night Football' Ratings: Three Victories; Sunday Night Winning Battle

'Sunday Night Football' Ratings: Three Victories; Sunday Night Winning Battle
The football game played by the Green Bay Packers against New Oleans Saints rates 39 percent higher on television than the World series featuring the game 5 between Kansas City Royals and San Francisco Giants, NBC Sports reports.
It was a a winning battle that happened last Sunday night during prime time with three victories. The San Francisco Giants got the World Series’ game 5 with 5-0 against Kansas City Royals. While it was not really an absolute victory and way back last week when the unsurpassed quarterback touchdown record was broke by Peyton Manning, on the other side on NBC’s Sunday Night Football, the New Orleans defeated the Green Bay Packers and schooled 44-23.
Finally, the victory goes to the National Football League (NFL) with Sunday Night Football (NFL) winning the football night, the NBC’s big foor NFL and the 5.0/14 rating and 13.762 million viewers of 2014 World Series. While te Fox got 3.0/8 with 10.99 million watching which made them the second place.
NBC also added that, of the five instances wherein the World Series game was televisd concurrently with Sunday Night Football, this was the highest difference in television rating. The Sunday night NFL games was broadcasted by the NBC while the World Series was covered by the FOX Channel.
The Sundays Night Football’s rating between Packers and Saints was a low season. In the meantime, the World Series Game recorded their lowest rating on 5-0 win of giants against Royal, reported by Ausstin Karp, Sports Business Daily.
Packers 44-23 was defeated by the saints and proceed to season’s 3-4. The game 5 of the world series provide the Giants a 3-2 lead with the opening ball thrown out by Robin William’s son. The Giants get an absolute game shoutout performance to obtain 3-2 lead from Madison Bumgamer in the Fall Classic.
To avoid this instances, the NFL played by New Oleans Saints against Carolina Panthers will be broadcast on Thursday while the World Series will hit the screen last Tuesday for game 5 and Wednesday for game 7.
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