‘PlayStation Plus’ Has More to Offer to Gamers

'PlayStation Plus' Has More To Offer To Gamers
PlayStation Plus is a service that offers various benefits to the devoted fans of the PlayStation gaming console giant.
Players get various benefits from PlayStation Plus. Members receive free games such as Hitman Absolution or Thomas Was Alone. Having an active PlayStation Plus membership let gamers play these games. About 12 PlayStation3 games and 6 PlayStation Vita games can be received by games for each month, and these games are free.
Various games for PlayStation4, PlayStation3, and PlayStation Vita are featured in the PlayStation Store. Players can choose from the following: "Dust: An Elysian Tail", "Pix the Cat", "Spelunky", "Batman: Arkham Asylum", "Rainbow MoonCross-Save Bundle", and "Dungeons & Dragons: Miracles of Mystara"
This Nov. 4, "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" is another game that will be released to both PlayStation4 and PlayStation Vita for North America and Europe, according to Gamezone. The website added that no other games are unveiled for the November release. Sony usually releases two games for PlayStation4, two games for PlayStation3, and two games for PlayStation Vita. However, Driverclub PlayStation Plus Edition is rumored to be released in November as well.
Meanwhile, game designer Tyrone Rodriguez talked about his thoughts on his game "The Bindin of Isaac: Rebirth" in his PlayStation Blog. "It'll be awesome to finally give console players a chance to experience the weirdest thing I've ever made," he said. The game features more than 500 hours of gameplay aside from the numerous items, weapons, and power-ups, which offer gamers an arcade-like experience.
Another privilege of being a member of the PlayStation Plus is the granted access to a number of discounts to some of the largest games on the PlayStation Network. Such discounts serve as a form of giving back the money spent in the membership. Aside from discounts, players do receive access to exclusive betas and demos, such as "Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time".
More than those that have been mentioned, PlayStation Plus provides 1 GB of Cloud storage, which gives players adequate space to save games and save files in case a player has multiple consoles or just wishes to back up the save file. Automatic updates are also feasible with PlayStation Plus, saving your time and effort. However, PlayStation Plus cannot be done if the memory on the hard drive is lower than 5 GB.
To become a member, players have to pay for either a 90 day subscription for $17.99 (equivalent to 11.99 pounds in the United Kingdom) or a full year subscription amounting to $49.99 (equivalent to 39.99 in the United Kingdom). At the time the subscription expires, the downloads will expire too. Fortunately, games can be re-subscribed to regain the games.
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