‘Insurgent’ 2015: ‘Insurgent’ Release Date Set For March 2015

‘Insurgent’ 2015: ‘Insurgent’ Release Date Set For March 2015
The 2014 movie "Divergent" received mixed review but still managed to be profitable in the box office, and a sequel being pushed through is a no-brainer.
With just a few months (five months to be exact) before the highly anticipated film, "Insurgent," appears in theatres near you. According to Breathecast, Lions Gate Entertainment announced on Twitter last Oct.14 a new website full of spoilers.
Their new website shows the latest news and juicy tidbits of information for the upcoming sequel, "Insurgent" as well as the subsequent film, "Allegiant."
Many movie-goers were surprised last year when "Catching Fire," the highly anticipated sequel to "The Hunger Games," was a lot more confident and character-driven than its predecessor under the new direction of Francis Lawrence.
So when "Insurgent," the sequel to last spring's "Divergent," also switched directors, MTV News just had to ask Shailene Woodley if the changes under newcomer Robert Schwentke would be as drastic.
"Luckily, Woodley was in our studios to talk about her currently-in-theaters movie "White Bird In A Blizzard," and her answer revealed that yes, "Insurgent" will be drastically different than "Divergent;" but not in the way you might expect.
"It's definitely going to have a lot more action, and I think it's more character-driven in a lot of ways," Woodley said.
Woodley also explained that having Schwentke around made developing her character, Tris, even easier the second time around.
"Robert is definitely an actors' director," Woodley said. "He was very keen on hearing our opinions about our characters, and collaborating on everything - whether it be the way that she looked, her hair, her makeup, her wardrobe. [We were] collaborating on dialogue, if it felt grounded and truthful. Not only to him, but to me as well."
"If something felt off-cantor, he would stop production, we would walk away and figure it out and go back, which is something that doesn't always happen on big movies. I really felt like he was protecting the sacredness of the story, within the world of big-budget film."
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