'Duck Dynasty' Season 5 Rebecca Robertson Makes Debut on Hit A&E Show (VIDEO)

'Duck Dynasty' Season 5 (A&E) The Robertson Family Welcomes Rebecca To Show (VIDEO)
"Duck Dynasty" Season 5 is currently underway on A&E and even though ratings are down, fans have been excited about the newest addition to the show for this season.
Willie and Korie Robertson have five children in all, but their oldest, Rebecca, has not been featured on the show regularly before this season. Rebecca stayed with the Robertson family several years back as a foreign exchange student and the family eventually they took her in as a permanent foster child.
Willie explains Rebecca's background with the Robertson's family in the first episode of the season and how happy the family is to have her back home (see short clip above).
Rebecca and her mother Korie recently launched the clothing boutique called Duck & Dressing and she also manages the writing of the Duck & Dressing blog, see HERE.
When we first meet Rebecca in season five, she's coming off an internship in Los Angeles, so it's safe to assume she's got a bit of culture shock in store. I can't wait to see how she adjusts to life back in Louisiana!
Tune in to "Duck Dynasty" on A&E on Wednesday nights at 10pm EST.
Tags : Duck Dynasty duck dynasty season 5 rebecca robertson duck dynasty a&e a&e tv ratings willie robertson the robertson family the robertsons korie robertson duck & dressing blog rebecca robertson video rebecca robertson 2014 rebecca robertson season 5 duck dynasty rebecca