Android L will bring auto encryption: More safety and security for the users

Android L will bring auto encryption: More safety and security for the users
Android's new version ad upgrade is going to be released next month, which will be named as Android L. The feature encryption has already been offered on Android operated devices since 2011 but the problem was that users had to manually turn it on. This time. the automatic functionality will turn encryption on and Google is helping with this feature by enabling the encryption functionality.
Spokesperson of Google has announced that, "For over three years, Android has offered encryption, and keys are not stored off of the device, so they cannot be shared with law enforcement. As part of our next Android release, encryption will be enabled by default out of the box, so you won't even have to think about turning it on."
Apple's new operating system iOS8 was announced on Wednesday, which also has automatic encryption system. The move towards this direction by big smartphone companies ensure that the access to user's data will be become harder.
The leakage of celebrity nude photos had put questions on the iCloud backup protection. Google wants to avoid this in its introduction of Android L.
Although Google was working hard to add this feature for a long time, the company waited until the Apple's announcement of iOS 8 encryption system. The project of auto encryption and harder security lock system started being supported by tech giants since the Edward Snowden issue, when important documents were leaked by this former National Security Agency contractor.
Tags : Android L Android L platform Android L OS Android L news Android L encryption Android L encryption news Android L auto encryption Android L encryption safety Android L encryption security Android L launch Android L date Android L release Android L release date