Casting Crowns' New Documentary is Now Available to Stream

Casting Crown's new documentary CASTING CROWNS: HOME BY SUNDAY is available now to rent for $9.99 on Vudu. It will be available to purchase on January 16.
CASTING CROWNS: HOME BY SUNDAY is a documentary about the mega successful and award-winning Christian band Casting Crowns. The band members, led by Singer and Songwriter Mark Hall, shows support and love for their fans. They often walk prayerfully with those suffering with sickness, disease and the bondage of addiction. Their eyes are always on Jesus as they have traveled the world touring for nearly 25 years. They always keep their commitment while on tour to make it home for church on Sunday.
CASTING CROWNS: HOME BY SUNDAY is minimalist in nature, on purpose. The band, led by Mark Hall, works diligently to keep the focus on God and off themselves. What it lacks in quality, the movie more than makes up for in spiritual affirmation and hope. Casting Crowns is an incredible band with the purpose to do God's will and share His healing love. CASTING CROWNS: HOME BY SUNDAY is great for most viewers. Some of the content, however, which includes a story about overcoming drug addiction and two stories about struggling with cancer, warrants caution for younger children.