Mark Driscoll's "Christ Crucified: A Good Friday Documentary" to Debut on Easter Weekend

Christ Crucified: A Good Friday Documentary will air live on on April 9th at 12, 2, 4, 6, 8pm (PST). Hosted by Pastor Mark Driscoll, this film takes a bold look at the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Driscoll goes into painstaking detail to document the historical, medical, theological, and personal implications of the cross.
Though Christians have long used the cross as the symbol of faith, the details of the cross are often sanitized and packaged for broad consumption. The reality is that the cross was the most shameful, painful, and dishonorable way to die. To fully understand Jesus Christ, the most towering figure in human history, we must not only understand that He died, but how and why He died.
Driscoll is an author and the founding pastor of the now defunct Mars Hill Church. He is currently the senior and founding pastor of the Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, which was founded in 2016.
To stream Christ Crucified LIVE, click here:
Tags : mark driscoll Christ Crucified: A Good Friday Documentary Easter Christian films