Darlene Zschech's HopeUC Worship Pastor Luke Taylor's Newborn Baby Dies

Luke Taylor, who serves as Darlene Zschech's HopeUC's worship pastor, and his wife Aimee welcomed their precious baby Lawson Ziggy on Nov 8. Not long after, Lawson Ziggy passed away. While we rejoice that Lawson is now with Jesus, we mourn his loss and our hearts break for Aimee and Luke.
They have been overwhelmed with all the love and care that they have received and there is beauty in the tremendous outpouring of love and support. You can support Luke and Aimee right now by making a donation to them here.
Together we can lessen any bills and expenses. Our hope is that they will not even have to think about finances. Thank you for the incredible love, strength and support, as they navigate the toughest chapter of their lives, and thank you for giving them the space they need.
Luke Taylor not only leads worship at Hope UC, a church in the Central Coast of NSW, Australia, he can also be heard leading worship on Darlene Zschech's album Here I Am, Send Me. Taylor sang lead vocals and co-wrote the song "First Love."
Tags : Lawson Ziggy luke taylor Darlene Zschech hopeuc Luke and Aimee Taylor Darlene Zschech's HopeUC Worship Pastor Luke Taylor's Newborn Baby Dies