Prestonwood Baptist Church to Host "Hope for the Caregiver" Conference

Prestonwood Baptist Church will host Hope for the Caregiver Conference for those caring for children and adults with special needs, Saturday, Nov. 6, 9 a.m - 3 p.m. CST at the Plano Campus.
Hope for the Caregiver Conference will provide more than 25 breakout sessions and over 40 local vendors who can help caregivers navigate the many responsibilities they find in this role. Sessions will address managing stress, legal matters, finances as well as specific physical and mental conditions that require specialized care.
Breakout Topics include "Effective Communication with a Person with Dementia," "How to Prevent Elder Fraud and Abuse," "How to Manage Caregiver Stress Rather Than it Managing You," "Counted Worthy - Finding Comfort in the Midst of Suffering" and "Not Alone: Finding Hope on the Special Needs Journey."
"Prestonwood Baptist Church is committed to loving our community in practical ways. This must include caring for those who care for others," said xxxx. "'Hope for the Caregiver' will be a time of rest, education and inspiration for those who spend so much of their time providing for others. We hope to provide for them in a way that will impact the rest of their lives."
Attendance is $10 per family, including lunch and refreshments with special-needs childcare available upon registration.
See the full list of session topics and register for "Hope for the Caregiver" here.
Tags : Hope for the Caregiver Conference prestonwood baptist church