Australian Songwriter and Singer Mitch Wong Drops "Repent (What a Joy It is)"

Mitch Wong, an Australian singer and songwriter now based in Nashville, is back with his brand new single "Repent (What A Joy It Is)." Wong is passionate about crafting songs for the global Church. His music ranges from energetic praise to intimate, psalm-like worship, all created with the intent of drawing people to Jesus.
Wong hopes his new song will impact the lives of his listeners. "If you do get a chance to listen and it impacts you in some sort of way," Wong writes. "It would mean so much if you wrote to me and let me know! Hope this one blesses you fam."
Mitch Wong's songs have been recorded by Darlene Zschech, Lincoln Brewster, Planetshakers, BJ Putnam, Chris McClarney and Neon Feather among others. These include "Soli Deo Gloria," "While I Wait," "God Of The Impossible," "Love Like Fire," "This Is Our Time," "At The Mention" and "City Lights."
Repent (What A Joy It Is)
I'm turning from sin
I'm turning to Christ
What a joy it is
To follow You, to follow You
I throw off the weight
I throw down my pride
What a joy it is
To follow You, to follow You
You're washing my heart
You're renewing my mind
What a joy it is
To follow You, to follow You
It's freedom from death
It's fullness of life
What a joy it is
To follow You
Tags : Mich Wong Mitch Wong Repent What a Joy Mitch Wong New Single Mitch Wong news