Thrive Worship Gives Expression to Easter's Message with "There is A Hope"

Thrive Worship, the worship team for Bayside Church in Sacramento, CA, has partnered with Integrity Music to release their new single "There is a Hope." Just in time for Easter, the worship song anchored in Psalm 42, reminds us that there is always hope in our risen Lord. "There is a Hope" was written by Taylor Gall, Charmaine Wells & Corbin Phillips.
"On our darkest days it's easy for feelings to outweigh facts. One of the most common lies we are fooled into believing is that we are disqualified from God's love, grace, redemption or provision because of something we've done or the place that we're in."
Watch the video of the song HERE.
There is a hope
There is a light
His name is Jesus
He is alive
The tomb is empty
I'll testify That
He rose again
And so will I
Cause He is alive He is alive
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Tags : thrive worship Thrive Worship there is a hope thrive worship news Integrity Music Easter