"We Are Not Shot Glasses for a Backyard Party:" An Interview with the Chitans

The Chitans' music is always expressive, and always rooted in faith and tradition. This is evidenced in two new songs - "Set Apart" and "Jesus Is Moving" - the first releases from the group after signing with Horizon Records.
Kaiziah, Kayandra, Jesse, Jayden and Karlainah Chitan and their parents, Layne and Karen, spend most of the year traveling the world and serving the communities they stop in through ministering in churches, hospitals, nursing homes, senior homes, community centers, prisons, slums and on the streets - and though they're based in Canada, the foundation of their musical ministry is the Southern Gospel style they've listened to all their lives.
Q: Thank you so much for doing this interview with us. Let's start with yourselves: who are the Chitans?
A. We are a family in full time Ministry. We spread the gospel through word, song and action all over the world. We feed the hungry, clothe the naked and minister to the incarcerated. We also minister at schools, civil and cultural events. (Kaiziah)
Q: How would you describe your musical style?
A. We sing Southern Gospel and a little bit of other Gospel genres.(Jesse)
Q: How did your interest in Gospel music begin?
A. The only music we heard in our home growing up was Gospel music. (Jayden)
Q: How did you get to work with lovely folks at Horizon Records?
A.Our most recent album was produced by Mr. Roger Talley at Crossroads Studio. We enjoyed the folks and the atmosphere at Crossroads very much. They offered services that we needed and we decided to join to forces to advance God's kingdom. (Karen)
Q: Tell us more about your new song "Set Apart."
A. "Set Apart" is a song about a deep desire to be used by God in His intended way and surrendering our will to His plan. The first verse tells about the story in Daniel Chapter 5, where the king took the vessels from the temple and used them as "shot glasses" in his little party. Like my dad said a couple years ago, once God sanctifies something, not man, nor time, nor devil can change that. We have been called for a purpose. We are not shot glasses for a backyard party, but rather we are chosen vessels set aside for holy purposes. (Kaiziah)
Q: Why are you excited about your second new song "Jesus is Moving"?
A. "Jesus is Moving" is such a powerful and important song, especially for this time. The song says that Jesus can be all that we need. At this time, the world is full of uncertainty and fear, but knowing that Jesus, the King of all glory is moving on our behalf is so amazing. (Kayandra)
Q: Are you guys working on a new album? Can you give us a preview of what we can expect from this new record?
A. We are in the early planning stages. Not yet.(Karlainah)
Q: In this age of the coronavirus, what words of encouragement do you have for our readers?
A. In the most difficult times, Jesus can pass by and say, "peace be still" and He can calm all your storms. (Layne, Dad)
Tags : The Chitans horizon records the chitans interview the chitans jesus is moving The Chitans news the chitans set apart