Exclusive Video Premiere: Master's Voice Releases "Thinking Outside The Grave"

Master's Voice has partnered with Hallels for the exclusive premiere of their new song "Thinking Outside The Grave." This haunting song serves as a warning to not be shortsighted and to remember life continues after death. "Thinking Outside the Grave" is a track taken from Solace, their upcoming release from Sonlite Records, to be released January 10, 2020.
As a collection, Solace is a statement of being at peace with God's plan for all life and a reminder of the glories Heaven promises after death.
To watch the video, please click here.
Since 1995, Master's Voice has been committed to bringing an evangelistic approach to singing and preaching the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ till all know...or He returns. This team is also devoted to musical excellence, understanding that this "music with a message" requires the utmost professionalism, preparation, commitment, clarity, doctrinal soundness and passionate vocals. The group features founder, owner and tenor singer Ricky Capps; lead singer T.J. Evans; baritone singer David Folenius; bass singer Jerry Pilgrim; musician Theron Perry; and sound technician Chuck Howe.
Pre-order Solace HERE.
Tags : Exclusive Video Premiere master's voice thinking outside the grave master's voice solace master's voice new song master's voice new video thinking outside the grave