Priscilla Shirer Comments on Hillsong's Marty Sampson and Joshua Harris Walking Away from the Faith

Author, motivational speaker, actress, Christian evangelist Priscilla Shirer was not surprised to hear that fellow author Joshua Harris and Hillsong's former worship leader and songwriter Marty Sampson have both walked away from the Christian faith. Shirer was not surprised because Jesus himself predicted that many will turn away from God in the last days.
In Matthew 24:10-11, Jesus told his followers: "Many will turn away from me and betray me and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people." Shirer adds: "that days will come when even our leaders will fall away, and I think we're seeing the inklings of those times even now."
Shirer's comment came after author Joshua Harris, known for his popular book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," announced that he has separated from his wife, apologized to LGBT community, and denounced his faith. Likewise, former Hillsong worship leader Marty Sampson has similarly distanced himself from Christianity, saying he is "genuinely losing" his faith.
During an interview with Faithwire on Friday, Shirer cautioned against the human propensity "to glorify people and to put them up on pedestals that many of them never even asked to be on."
"So when they fall, the fall is hard and rough on everybody," Shirer continued. "No one is perfect except our Lord and we've got to take the burden off of people's shoulders to be what only Jesus can be for us and only what the Holy Spirit can be for us."
In fact, for many who have been hurt by the Christian community, the best way to welcome them back into the church is by separating the Gospel from the broken and imperfect people who preach it. The Christian message, Shirer said, is "not about fallen human beings."
"It's about our Savior and the church is designed to point you to him - not to people who are speaking about him," she added.
Tags : priscilla shirer Marty Sampson joshua harris Hillsong Hillsong Marty Sampson marty sampson no longer a christian marty sampson news