Spring Harvest Releases New Live Worship Set "Unlimited"

There is something enriching and transformational about singing theological truth and spiritual ambition in the company of others. It's as if the melody of the Kingdom of God breaks through, creating an unforgettable anthem. Capturing those moments of encounter, those divine exchanges has always been the aspiration behind Spring Harvest's live worship album. When faced with the God of limitless, infinite, boundless love, our heart races and embraces the One who is worthy... and our only response is worship.
Unlimited, the new live worship album from this year's Spring Harvest, reflects the energy and authenticity of that worship from all 3 Spring Harvest locations (Minehead, Skegness and Harrogate), and features songs led by Andy Smith, Elim Sound, Kees Kraayenoord and Lou Fellingham. A rousing 'Raise A Hallelujah', a powerful 'Living Hope', and a buoyant 'Glorious Day' unite together with other superb tracks including 'Fill This House With Your Glory', 'Hope Has A Name', 'Who You Say I Am' and many others.
An inspiring album for individual or family devotion and as a resource for worship teams and churches.
1. Raise A Hallelujah (feat. Worship Leaders: Kees Kraayenoord & Reni Kraayenoord) [Live]
2. Be Praised (feat. Worship Leaders: Elim Sound) [Live]
3. Who You Say I Am (feat. Worship Leader: Lou Fellingham) [Live]
4. Living Hope (feat. Worship Leader: Andy Smith) [Live]
5. Fill This House With Your Glory (feat. Worship Leader: Kees Kraayenoord & Jannica Van Barneveld) [Live]
6. Crucified (feat. Worship Leaders: Elim Sound) [Live]
7. Glorious Day (feat. Worship Leader: Andy Smith) [Live]
8. Our God Is For Us (feat. Worship Leader: Lou Fellingham) [Live]
9. New (feat. Worship Leaders: Elim Sound) [Live]
10. Hope Has A Name (feat. Worship Leader: Andy Smith) [Live]
11. Ready For You (feat. Worship Leader: Lou Fellingham) [Live]
12. Jesus Victorious (feat. Worship Leaders: Kees Kraayenoord & Reni Kraayenoord & Jannica Van Barneveld) [Live]
Tags : spring harvest worship unlimited lou fellingham elim sound andy smith Kees Kraayenoord Jannica Van Barneveld) Reni Kraayenoord