Bestselling Author David Platt Releases New Book ‘Follow Me’
The New York Times’ bestselling author of the book “Radical,” Reverend David Platt hit the bookstores again with his new release titled “Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live.”
Platt’s new book released on Tyndale House on February 5, 2013. The introduction for the book was written by Francis Chan.
In his new book Platt talks about the topics such as ‘unconverted believers,’ ‘superficial religion and supernatural regeneration,’ ‘don’t make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior,’ among other themes divided into nine chapters.
In the book, Platt talks about the reality that many are those who proclaim themselves Christians, however biblically are not true followers of Christ. Platt challenges readers to follow Christ not only with their words or thoughts but with their lives, same as when Jesus called his first disciples to follow him. Platt draws the picture of how we missed that call.
In the book promo Platt says, “We drained the lifeblood out of Christianity and replaced it with the watered down version of the gospel that’s so palatable it’s not even real anymore.”
Platt, “We desperately need to take a look at our lives and our churches and ask a question: are we really biblically personally following Jesus?”
For more information about the author and the book “Follow me,” visit
Tags : David Platt Follow Me Francis Chan New Book