Watch Free Worship's New Video "No One But You" Here

Free Worship has released their debut single "No One But You" via BEC Worship, Free Worship is a Christian worship band based in Chicago, IL. The team ministers weekly at their home church of New Life Covenant under the leadership of Pastor Wilfredo "Choco" De Jesus.
The name Free Worship speaks to what the group wants all people to experience within their own worship - Freedom. Their name remains a constant reminder that we must always make room for the move of the Holy Spirit. Free Worship's prayer is that their songs lead others into His presence and allow all people to worship God freely in their own way."
"No One But You" was birthed out of an evangelistic service we had in our church New Life Covenant. We wanted to make a song that reflected what God was doing in our church through miracles and prayer. If God did it before he can definitely do it today!"
I know You have been God a long time
So here I am, so Here I am
I know You are who You say You are
You're all I have, You're all I have
Release your miracles
Your never ending power
The answer I am holding to
No one but You
Your love is for us now
And You will be forever
The father I am running to
No one but You
No one but You
No one but You
No one but You
You work with impossible things
So here I am, So Here I am
I've come too far to turn away now
You're all I have, You're all I have
Faithful then
Faithful now
You're faithful forever
You're faithful forever
©2019 BEC Worship
Written by Alex De Jesus, Dane Allen, and Jess Cates.