Marcus Jordan Celebrates National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day with New Single

Across the country today, January 9, citizens are taking the lead on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Serving two years faithfully protecting and serving his community of Houston, TX, Pastor and new Gospel artist, Marcus Jordan remains humbled and blessed.
Law Enforcement Officers of every rank and file have chosen a profession that puts their life on the line every day for their communities. They've answered a call to public service that is demanding and often unappreciated. While citizens are thanking officers for their service and offering a token of respect, Marcus gives his thanks to God in song with his single "I Will Bless The Lord."
Written by Marcus and co-production along with Samuel Fisher, "I Will Bless The Lord" continues to gain awareness and traction across radio. The track is available now on all digital and purchasing retailers including AppleMusic, iTunes, GooglePlay and AmazonMusic.
Facebook: /marcusjordan | Instagram: @iammarcusjordan
About Marcus Jordan:
Marcus Jordan is a Gospel artist-songwriter, Pastor and Law enforcement officer and resides in Houston, TX. In January 2018, Marcus released his debut project I Will Bless The Lord, led by the albums lead single "You Are Here."
Tags : marcus jordan i will bless the lord National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day