for KING & COUNTRY's Luke Smallbone Asks for Prayers As Baby Undergoes Major Skull Surgery

One half of Christian music duo for KING & COUNTRY, Luke Smallbone is asking for prayers as his 5-month-old son undergoes skull surgery.
"Tomorrow at 7:15am our sweet little Leo will have skull reconstruction surgery and would love it if you could pray for him and for us. I sit here 12 hours before we'll leave for the hospital and I didn't think I'd feel much," Smallbone wrote. "But I do. I so wish he didn't have to walk through the physical pain, but the fact that he can have healing and restoration is a gift from God."
Nevertheless, Smallbone is hopeful as he looks to Jesus for strength. "The heartache that I've experienced makes me very grateful that God allowed Jesus to die for us because my love is a broken love (yet still I feel so much!) but God's love, perfect. I wonder how much more God's heart must have ached," Smallbone wrote. "Because of Jesus, my wife and I have this great hope and trust me..we cling to it tightly!"
In September, the 31-year-old musician revealed the struggles that he and wife Courtney were going through concerning their newborn son's health.
"Yesterday I was mowing the lawn when I heard my wife frantically yelling for me to call 911. I wasn't immediately sure why until I saw her holding our little boy, Leo, who was very gray and looking lifeless," Smallbone wrote in an Instagram message last September. "She felt God impress on her to check on him while he was napping and after many prayers and some CPR, our little boy started to breathe again."
Tags : For King & Country Luke Smallbone luke smallbone son skull surgery