Film 'Sing a Little Louder' Speaks Abortion in America

A stunning new short film, 'Sing a Little Louder' delivers a heartbreaking message of abortion to today's Christians.
Based on the genuine story of an elderly man who lived in Germany during World War II and witnessed the horror of Nazi Holocaust from the seats of his church, the film tells us that the same genocide is still taking place with unborn children in America.
In the film, the train whistle blows every week passing by the old church, people gathered for Sunday worship pretended to hear nothing. They only chose to sing a little louder when the train with crying Jews was stopped by and gave unforgettable image to the boy who faced a real person trapped in inescapable death. This affecting account is directly connected to an image of unborn child growing in a womb and urges churches to raise their voices for the babies who do not have choices.
Jeremy Wiles, director of the film and the CEO of Kingdom Works Studio talked about the impression of the film in Charisma Magazine, "Churches all across the nation have been showing the film during their Sunday services and it's because the film has a timely and important message," he continued, "The church just can't continue to sing louder."
The film was shot in Holland in August 2014 and produced in partnership with Catholic Witnesses. The original story is first written by Penny Lea, an activist in pro-life movement. The full video and discussion questions are released and available free at
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Tags : sing a little louder movie abortion Holocaust kingdom works studios