'Duck Dynasty' Robertson Family to Release Faith Commander Group Bible Study and DVD, Watch Extended Preview Here (VIDEO)

'Duck Dynasty' Robertson Family to Release Faith Commander Group Bible Study and DVD, Watch Extended Preview Here (VIDEO)
We all know the The Robertson family now from the hit A&E reality show "Duck Dynasty" and that they have never been shy about speaking on their faith in Jesus. Their comments over the last few months, especially from Phil Robertson, have been scrutinized and criticized by some, but they are hoping to continue sharing and bringing a positive influence on people's lives. This new study series allows time for a clear discussion on the Robertson's personal faith and individual testimonies, as well as diving into what scripture says about every day topics. This study will help reignite your faith and commitment to biblical values so that you and your group may spread the love and hope of Jesus in your everyday lives. Above, you can watch a clip of the new series with Jase Robertson sharing his personal testimony.
The Robertson family has partnered with Zondervan Publishing to make the Faith Commander Study Guide and DVD Pack. They are hoping to reach family members of all ages will learn how to build a legacy of faith and apply faith-based family values to every aspect of their lives. You will join the Robertson family on a wild ride through five of the Bible's most-loved parables. You will learn how to build a legacy of faith and apply five faith-based values to your life.
With their trademark humor and commitment to faith in Jesus, the Robertson family will challenge you to live a new kind of life. A video discussion guide is included in the back of the book to be used with the Faith Commander: A DVD Study. The five chapters are: Redonkulous Faith, Radical Forgiveness, Ravenous Prayer, Real Obedience, and Rowdy Kindness.
The study guide and DVD are set to release on May 6, 2014. You can pre-order both now HERE.
Tags : Duck Dynasty duck dynasty season 5 duck dynasty faith commander the robertson family faith commander bible study bible study the robertsons faith commander a&e duck dynasty a&e Christian testimony Jase Robertson testimony Duck Dynasty video The Robertsons video